Friday, April 15, 2011

Why, Why and Why?

"Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder."Thoreaou

Sometimes I am asking myself why we are fall in love in the person who is supposed to be not.  It’s annoying right? Why they are? There’s a lot out there. Why? Why you?!

We have no control in love; also it is not a choice but by chance. We can not dictate our heart. If we can, then I’m sure we will not going to love the person that will hurt us.

Sometimes the time is playful. We have love but still we will fall in love in others, but in the end we need to decide, for who is who? The one who will do everything for you ? Or the one that your heart shout of?

Why we can’t prevent these? Is this because he/she has shortcomings?  Or discontentment? It is palatable to love with contentment than complete but without trust.

Did you fall in love simultaneously? Did you experience to decide to whom of them? Who is in or out? What if you decide in the wrong one? Would you want to get back the other one? Or continue and force yourself to love the one that you choose.

Sometimes we will realize our mistakes when we are already hurt. What is mistake that hard to accept? To love the one who hurts you? Or, you hurt the one that fall in love with you so much?

Being hurt in love is normal since we are just human being, you hurt and I hurt. If you love someone then you will do everything. Even it is right or wrong. But why…because you love then that is why you need to hurt also?

It is hard to accept the reality that you fall in love with the wrong one, who is not worth it. But how could you for get or move on when in fact when the days and night goes on and on he/she still in your mind? And the feeling of bereavement is still there and became worse and worst.

They said too much love will kill you. And so as also if it is too less. What is required is adequate… no more no less. But how to love in correct way? If you know what is supposed to be right is not enough?

Some says, you can’t measure the love in one person until you did not experience to have a share? Sharing is loving?I don’t think so…

If time will come that you discovered that your loved one is fall in love with other one, let him/her go…why? Because if he/she still loves you then why need to look for other one? Love is knowing. You should know when to fight and when to give up.

In love it is not all the time you will use your heart. Not only the self interest and happiness. You should use your mind sometimes. But you should also consider the interest of others.

Sometimes you need to give up. There are things that you can not force even you like it most.  You need sometimes to control yourself to decide so that you will not wake up someday in the wrong path.

It is hard and hurting to accept but we need to move on. Maybe he/she is not the right one. Who knows? Someday somehow you will find the right one who loves you most and you love most.

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